Ten Important Essential Oil Hacks You Should Include In Your Daily Life!
Hacks help us to make our daily life easier and comfortable, especially the hacks prepared by using Essential oils are very useful and effective for our body and also our house. With so many uses for Essential Oils; it’s easy to see why they are so popular. Solve your everyday problems and live a better life with these Essential Oil Hacks.
Grease Stains
It is very easy to remove greasy stains with the help of Lemon Essential Oil and baking soda. Simply sprinkle the stain with baking soda; just add 2-3 drops of lemon essential oil, and let it sit for one hour. Remove the excess baking soda and wash as normal. It is an easy way to tackle those greasy stains with the help of this DIY hack.
Stick-on Air Freshener
Make inexpensive and effective air-freshener for you sweet home. Add a few drops of purification to a felt pad for a portable air freshener you can stick anywhere! It is perfect for smelling corners in your house for a delightful scent.
Add superpowers to you Air filters
Air filters contain dust and dirt that may irritate nasal passages. This can be problematic if people in your home suffer from allergies. Simply add 15-20 drops of essential oil directly to your air filter before replacing it. Try it with eucalyptus, purification, or citrus fresh for a purifying effect in your home. Tea tree is wonderful if you live in a moist climate prone to mold.
Sticky Gunk Remover
This hack is chemical-free and effective. Add a few drops of Lemon Essential Oil directly to stubborn sticker residue. Rub the spot with a rag (or your fingers). Rinse clean with water and repeat as necessary. You can use this hack on glass, non-porous surfaces, and even skin.
No more tears while chopping Onions!
Enjoy chopping onions again with this Amazing Hack. Simply open a bottle of Lemon Essential Oil and place next to the cutting board. Now you can chop onions without the fear of watery, itchy eyes. When you’re done, thoroughly remove the onion smell from your cutting board with homemade dish soap.
100% Natural Oven Cleaner
Oven cleaner hack could not be simpler! Just 3 natural ingredients and you can thoroughly clean your oven (without the use of harsh chemicals). The scent is amazing! Get your oven spick-and-span again, and ready for your next family meal. Take few drops of Orange Essential Oil and Lemon Essential Oil and add 1 tablespoon of baking powder and add little soapy water...and get ready to remove those bakery stains from your oven.
Reuse Glass Bottles of Essential Oils
Best quality Essential Oils come in best glass bottles so as soon as your Essential Oil get used up, activate you creative mind and figure out ways of using those Essential oils containers.
Making Your Eyelashes longer
Essential oils have been shown to stimulate hair growth. Hack your mascara with lavender essential oil. Add 2 drops to a freshly opened tube of mascara. That’s all you need for the whole tube! Mix it around with the wand to combine and use as normal. You can also try it with cedar wood or rosemary.
Nail Polish Remover
Nail polish remover is harsh and drying on the skin, plus, it can irritate the lungs. There is another way! Add 3-4 drops of lemongrass essential oil to a cotton pad and wipe off the nail polish. Voila! If your cuticles and nails get dried out, add some lavender cuticle oil for a freshly-manicured look!
Say Bye to your Kitchen smell
Orange Essential has a fresh and fruity aroma that can remove bad odour from your home and brings in a fresh smell of Oranges to your House. Just Add few drops of Orange Essential Oil to your Diffuser, to remove your Kitchen smell and add Cinnamon sticks and Cloves to simmering water. Now add few drops of Orange Essential oil to the mixture now you kitchen smells like a orchid full of fresh oranges.